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Brachial Plexus and SPML Specialist

SPML Surgery

SPML surgery stands for SELECTIVE PERCUTANEOUS MYOFASCIAL. LENGTHENING. It is a minimally invasive surgical approach developed by ROY NUZZO, M.D. of Summit, New Jersey [] to treat muscle and joint contractures seen in Cerebral Palsy and other neuromuscular disorders. Dr. Price has spent time with Dr. Nuzzo over the past 30 years learning and adopting his techniques and approach.

Neuromuscular conditions that exhibit spasticity, dystonia, or muscle imbalance can lead to contractures and/or impair mobility and disturb normal mechanics of gait. In more severely involved patients, it can affect ability to stand, transfer and even interfere with patient hygiene.

SPML involves making small puncture wounds to release “triggers” that increase spasticity or muscle tone. These “triggers” send sensory input that overwhelms the brain in these patients and causes more spasticity. It also uses alcohol nerve blocks to slow these sensory impulses to the brain.

SPML is minimally invasive. It allows the lengthening of targeted muscles without the extensive open surgery and the immobilization that it requires. Recovery is faster and Physical Therapy is resumed within 2-3 days. Studies have shown its benefits over traditional open surgery.

SPML Surgery Benifits

– No cutting and sewing
– Puncture wounds dressed with surgical “glue” and steri-strips
– Reduced post-op pain
– Improved mobility
– Little interruption in PT and OT
– Out-patient. Surgery
– Faster return to activities
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